Miembros / Members

Miembros / Members    Louis Sicking - U. Leiden



  • Lecturer


Late Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries, including the Dutch Revolt

  • History of International Relations and Diplomacy
  • Maritime History and History of discoveries, European Expansion and Globalisation
  • Urban History




Telephone number:

+31 (0)71 527 2717



Faculty / Department:

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, Institute for History, Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis

Office Address:

Johan Huizingagebouw Doelensteeg 16 2311 VL Leiden Room number 1.77a

Telephone number:

+31 (0)71 527 2717



Faculty / Department:

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, Onderwijs- en Studentzaken, Onderwijsondersteuning & Studieadvies

Office Address:

Johan Huizingagebouw Doelensteeg 16 2311 VL Leiden Room number 1.77a

Personal Homepage:




Spreekuur / Hours

Na afspraak / by appointment

Fields of interest

Louis Sicking is university lecturer in medieval history. He has a broad interest in various fields ranging from medieval history, maritime history, history of the Low Countries in the later Middle Ages and early modern period, and European history, to the history of European expansion, French colonial history and archival sciences. He is especially interested in the influence of political decision-making and the use of violence on economic development at local, regional and central levels in the Low Countries and elsewhere. He considers the archives as the laboratory of the historian and tries to encourage his students to do archival research (see below: education).

Research in progress

- Risk management, interest groups and legislation. Local, regional and international dynamics in the maritime transport sector of the Low Countries, c. 1550-1650. -Information Management and Diplomatic Culture: Cornelis de Schepper (Scepperus) as ambassador of emperor Charles V . - ‘Maritime Supremacy in Eastern Seas passes in European hands’, in: D. Parrot and A. Waldron eds., The Cambridge history of warfare III (2012). - ‘Warfare at Sea, c.1500-1815’, H. Scott ed., Oxford Handbook of early modern European History II (2013).

Key publications

Zeemacht en onmacht. Maritieme politiek in de Nederlanden, 1488-1558. Bijdragen tot de Nederlandse marinegeschiedenis 7 (Amsterdam 1998).


Neptune and the Netherlands. State, Economy and War at Sea in the Renaissance (Leiden and Boston 2004) [Review]



Louis Sicking, Harry de Bles and Erlend des Bouvrie (eds.), Dutch Light in the \\'\\'Norwegian Light\\'\\'. Maritime Relations and Migration across the North Sea in Early Modern Times (Hilversum 2004)



Frontières d\\'Outre-Mer. La France et les Pays-Bas dans le monde atlantique au XIXe siècle (Paris 2006) [Review]



Colonial Borderlands. France and the Netherlands in the Atlantic in the 19th century (Leiden and Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2008)



Louis Sicking and Darlene Abreu-Ferreira (eds.), Beyond the Catch. Fisheries of the North Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic, 900-1850, 900-1850 (Leiden and Boston: Brill 2009)



L.H.J. Sicking en C.H. van Rhee eds., Briève instruction en causes civiles. Filips Wielant verzameld werk II (Brussel, Koninklijke Vlaams Academie van Wetenschappen van België, 2009) 373 blz.



Mario Damen en Louis Sicking eds. Bourgondië voorbij. De Nederlanden, 1250-1650 (Verloren 2010)


Publications available online

For a complete list of publications see \\'Published work\\' (top of page). ‘Stratégies de réduction de risque dans le transport maritime des Pays-Bas au XVIe siècle’, in : S. Cavaciocchi ed., Ricchezza del mare, ricchezza dal mare secc.XIII-XVIII. Atti della “Trentasettesima Settimana di Studi”, 11-15 aprile 2005 (Prato: Istituto Internazionale di Storia economica “F. Datini” 2006) 795-808. Online beschikbaar Met Jelle Haemers, \\'De Vlaamse Opstand van Filips van Kleef en de Nederlandse Opstand van Willem van Oranje. Een vergelijking\\', Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis 119 (2006) 328-347. Online beschikbaar. ‘A Colonial Echo. France and the Colonial Dimension of the European Economic Community’, French Colonial History 5 (2004) 207-228. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/french_colonial_history/v005/5.1sicking.pdf. Geuzen en glippers. Goed en fout tijdens het beleg van Leiden (Den Haag 2003). http://dutchrevolt.leiden.edu/dutch/bibliografie/Documents/Geuzen%20en%20glippers.pdf. With R. van Rhee, ‘Prijs, procedure en proceskosten. De afhandeling van een prijszaak volgens de Romano-canonieke procedure voor de Admiraliteit en de Grote Raad van Mechelen tijdens de Engels-Schotse oorlog van 1547’, The Legal History Review 71, 3-4 (2003) 337-356. http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=1019.

Lectures and papers since 2007 (selection)

2009 ‘La gestion du risque des Hollandais dans la navigation atlantique’, Table ronde, Residentie Nederlandse ambassadeur Parijs, 21 oktober 2009 en Table ronde Université de La Rochelle, 23 oktober 2009. 2009 ‘La mutualisation des risques dans la navigation des anciens Pays-Bas et le rôle du gouvernement central au XVIe siècle’, Séminaire d’histoire maritime et économique, Université de La Rochelle, 16 oktober 2009. 2009 ‘Handel en oorlog in het Oostzeegebied: de opkomst van de Hollanders in de 15e-16e eeuw’. Lezing Vrienden van Schokland, Unesco erfgoedcentrum: 4 april 2009. 2008 ‘Protection costs and freight rates in the shipping business of the Low Countries in the XVIth century. Antwerp and Amsterdam compared’. Paper presented at the 5th IMEHA International Congress of Maritime History, University of Greenwich, 23-27 June 2008. 2008 ‘De strijd om de bijl van Sint-Olaf. Een Noorse schat in de Nederlanden’ Lezing historisch dispuut Merlijn, 5 maart 2008. 2007 ‘La pluriactivité et la réduction de risque aux Pays-Bas aux XVe-XVIe s.: commerce, pêche, diplomatie’, Séminaire d’histoire économique et social du M.A. Pluriactivité’ Formes de gestion de risques chez les sociétés littorales en Europe atlantique, XIe-XVIe siècle, Universiteit van La Rochelle, 13 oktober 2007. 2007 ‘Traces of Treasures. The aftermath of the struggle over Norway in the Netherlands, 1537-1548’ History Department, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, 18 Januari 2007. 2007 ‘Staat en natie in middeleeuws Scandinavië’ Lezing voor archeologisch vakdispuut Johan Picardt op dinsdag 21 mei 2007. 2007 ‘War at Sea and the Naval Revolution’, conference Crossing the Divide: Continuity and Change in Late Medieval and Early Modern Warfare, University of Reading, September.

Other activities

- Member of the international editorial board of the Anales de historia medieval de la Europa atlántica, 2006-present. http://personales.unican.es/solorzaja/AMEA.htm - Member of the scientific committee of Najéra. Encuentros Internacionales del Medievo, 2006-present. http://www.najeramedieval.com/ - Associated Member of the Revue du Nord, 2005-present. - Member of the editorial board of http://dutchrevolt.leidenuniv.nl/ (both Dutch and French versions) 2002-present. - Permanent co-worker of the Hansische Umschau of the Hansische Geschichtsblätter, 2001-present. - Member of the International Study Fund Committee of the Leiden University Fund (LUF), 2006-2008. - President of the Committee for Dutch History and Antiquities of the Association of Dutch Literature (Commissie voor Vaderlandse Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde), 2005-2006. - Member of the editorial board of the Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis, 2003-2008. - Member of the executive committee of the Dutch Association for Maritime History (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Zeegeschiedenis), 1998-2003.

Scholarships and prizes

- Contributor and co-organiser of the exhibition and catalogue La pêche, l’or de Flandre for the Musée de Gravelines, France (2010) - Research fellow of Utrecht University (2009) for a contribution to the provincial history of Zeeland. - Fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar (2009) - Fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Military History, The Hague (2006-2008) - Grant of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for the English translation of Frontières d’Outre-Mer. La France et les Pays-Bas dans le monde atlantique au XIXe siècle (Paris 2006) - Grant of the Dutch Ministery of Foreign Affairs (Dutch Embassy in Oslo) for lectures in the Archaeological Museum of Bergen and the Centre for Medieval Studies in Trondheim on the occasion of the first centennial of the Norwegian independence (2005) - Grant of the Research school Pallas of the Faculty of Arts of Leiden University for a stay at the Centre for Medieval Studies NTNU Trondheim (2004) - Grant of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for the English translation of doctorate (2002) - Norwegian government scholarship for a stay at the Centre for Medieval Studies NTNU Trondheim (2002) - H.N. ter Veen prise for Flevoland, for the best article on the history of the Zuiderzee or Flevoland (1998) - Fellowship of the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences (KNAW) (1997) - Fellowship of the Niels Stensen foundation (1996-1997) - Research fellow (WOM) of NWO (1992-1996)